
  • W or up arrow: accelerate
  • A/D, or left/right arrow: steer the car
  • Space bar: use handbrake
  • Left shift or F: use car boost

Road Options

You can choose various car models and styles and set weather options to increase the challenge in Highway Traffic. Enjoy the sunny road, brighten the night with your headlights or slide on a wet road on a rainy day.

Game Modes

Highway Traffic also has several modes to make the game even more fun and complex. It comes with 4 modes, each having its own significant challenges. 

  • One way: The cars are driving in one direction without any concern for oncoming traffic.
  • Two-way: This allows vehicles to travel in either direction. Riskier than the one-way but brings more points and coins if you drive on the wrong way.
  • Time attack: As the name says, your time is limited in this mode. Survive the traffic without making any accidents until the time is up. Be prepared; it gets pretty wild quickly.
  • Speed Bomb: You need to be careful how you drive the bus. When you drive slower than the lower limit or collide with other cars, the bomb might bring the end of the game. The bus explodes.

Display Features

While playing, you can check your progress on the display screen. Score, speed, distance, camera, high speed, and combos will be on for you to keep track.

Similar Games

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